Swift Roundup #8: Service Discovery

In this newsletter, you'll find an introductory article about our upcoming series on Platform Building Steps, as well as a tutorial about Service Discovery, including a link to an informative repository with Service Discovery resources. Enjoy! 🥳

“Platform DIY” series is coming… 🙌

🎞️ What is service discovery really all about?

When building microservices, one of the most basic things you'll need to do is to have them locate and talk to each other. You do this with service discovery. In this video, learn about the key concepts of service discovery, including how it works and the types - client side and server side discovery. Also learn what a service registry is.

Senora Recommends 👏

Curated list of awesome articles and resources to learn and practice software architecture, patterns and principles. This repository will be updated continuously, keep yourself up to date . (including Service-Discovery resources).

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