All about: Backward Compatible ✨

Learn about backward compatibility, how to implement it for Infrastructure as Code, and explore some of the open-source tools available for that purpose.

❓ What is it?

Backward compatibility is a property of an operating system, software, real-world product, or technology that allows for interoperability with an older legacy system, or with input designed for such a system, especially in telecommunications and computing.

Modifying a system in a way that does not allow backward compatibility is sometimes called "breaking" backward compatibility. Such breaking usually incurs various types of costs, such as switching cost.

A complementary concept is forward compatibility. A design that is forward-compatible usually has a roadmap for compatibility with future standards and products.

👇 How to do it for IaC?

🎞️ Testing for backward compatibility when developing Terraform AWS Provider resources

🛠️ 8 Open-Source Feature Flag Tools

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